
Our Story

A story’s start is always something of a choice. We could start our story in the 1850s when Christians were first gathering in this area. Or we could look to 1865 when the early settlers of Cranbourne first opened the doors of our original church building. But actually our story really begins much earlier – in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. It’s that event that remains at the heart of our story today – the good news that God has come into this world in the person of Jesus Christ to deal with death and all the darkness of this world, to die for us so that we can live. It’s a story that has caught up people from all over the world and even brought some of them to live the new life in Jesus together here in our church at St John’s. It can be your story too – come join us to be part of it!

St John’s Cranbourne and Christ Church Tooradin are two churches situated in Melbourne’s growing South East.

We’re Evangelical, Anglican and come from diverse cultures and backgrounds of all ages and stages.

St John’s Cranbourne

27 Childers Street Cranbourne

Christ Church Tooradin

61 South Gippsland Hwy

Our Services

9:00amTraditional Holy Communion
10:30amContemporary Family Service with Kids Ministry
5:00pmContemporary Evening Service
9:00amTraditional Prayer Book Service

10:00amTraditional Holy Communion

We invite you to our online service if you are unable to visit our church.