As followers of Jesus, we don’t give financially in an effort to win God’s approval, favour, or love. That has already been lavished upon us freely through the life, death and resurrection of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ (see Romans 5:8 and 1 John 4:10). Rather, we give as a response to the gospel. We give as an act of worship. We give as an act of obedience to Christ. We give because God first gave (see John 3:16).
Your gifts are used to enable us as a church to fulfil our vision and mission as a church as we grow in faith and love, serve the community and spread the gospel.
There are three ways to give to St. John’s:
- 1. Online Giving, using a similar method to online shopping. Click the Give button below:
2. You can set up a one off or recurring direct deposit to:
St John’s, Cranbourne |
BSB: 083 214 |
Account Number: 596 278 950 |
Christ Church, Tooradin |
BSB: 633 000 |
Account Number: 138 728 704 |
3. You can give in person at any one of our regular services.