To help us responsibly plan financially for the year ahead, around this time of year we encourage our regular members to prayerfully consider their finances and, if they would like to, indicate by pledge what they would like to give in the year ahead. This year, you can indicate this simply by filling in the form below. If you prefer you’re welcome to fill in a paper form, which can be obtained from the parish office. All responses are confidential to the parish recorder.
∆ EFT giving can be directly to the parish bank account:
St John’s, Cranbourne: BSB-083 214 Account number: 596 278 950.
ADF specific giving can also be given directly by EFT: BSB 703-122 Account Number 05005133
If giving by EFT it may be anonymous, but we do ask that you reference it ‘giving’ to assist in our accounting. If giving to the ADF Building fund and you would like it to be recorded, please reference your name or former envelope no. if you have been giving in that way in the past.
§ Please contact Parish Recorder for forms
Please submit the Stewardship Form by 17th October 2021