Listening to the Community
We have listened to God, listened to each other, and now we start on the process of listening to our wider non-churched community. One way in which we are doing this is by asking our non-churched friends, neighbours or families to respond to this Survey. Click on the link to have a look at it yourself so you know what you’ll be forwarding on. As you will see, it’s very non-threatening and not at all preachy – we’re simply wanting to understand our community better and listen to what they think the greatest needs are, and get a sense of the kind of thing they would find helpful. This will help us in our plans to serve our community and reach it with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Who are the two people who live in the area and don’t currently go to church that you could forward it on to? Pray about it now! Then copy the google forms link:
and send it to your friend/neighbour/family member asking them if they would be happy to fill it in.
For those not sure what to say, you could even just copy the template email set out below:
Hi [friendly neighbour/friend/family member – put their name here!]
I hope you’re doing well. My church (St John’s Anglican Church Cranbourne) wants to serve and support our local community in these difficult times and we’re in the middle of planning how we can do that. They’ve put together a short survey and I wondered if you’d be willing to spend 5 minutes telling us what you think the greatest needs are in the area? Here’s the link:
There you go – I’ve made it easy… Please do pray about who you might ask and get emailing! For those more comfortable with paper, paper copies of the survey are available at the church.
With love in Christ,
Sam Bleby
Minister | Parish of Cranbourne
St John’s Cranbourne | Christ Church Tooradin
m: 0406 342 028