Next Steps

The Bible tells us that once we find salvation in Christ, the next step in obedience to Him is to be baptised. Christian baptism is an important and personal display of faith, and one which is shared publicly as a testimony to a Christian’s commitment to following Jesus. It signifies that we are dead to our former life of sin, made clean, and resurrected to a new life in Jesus Christ.
If you are considering being baptised, or have any questions regarding baptism, please get in touch with us as we’d love to chat with you!
We believe that one of the best ways to get involved and create community is to serve in the local church. There is no way that St. Johns Cranbourne could exist without volunteers like yourself.
Most of the positions are very easy to serve in but critically important. There are tons of places to get involved and do something that you love – you can greet people when they come to St. Johns Cranbourne, teach children, hang out with high schoolers, play in the band, stack chairs, serve food or mix on the sound desk.
We’re certain that there is a place for you!
Small groups are smaller communities of church, 5-15 people who meet once a week in homes all over the South-East of Melbourne
These groups are a relaxing and non-threatening way to explore faith and Jesus, ask good questions and live out the way of Jesus.
Our goal is to have groups in different areas of the Casey Shire to enable the members of St. Johns to attend a small group in their area at a time that suits them.
Groups meet in various locations in Melbourne’s South-East. If you would like to join, host, or lead a Small Group, please use the button below to get in touch.